Old 04-12-2011, 11:53 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Kentucky
Posts: 4,091

If you are in both groups, you may have already read this so just disregard. I am literally pained to have to write this note. I am going to be late with my blocks and I have absolutely NO excuse.
The bottom line is that when I lost my Dad in July I joined this board as I was beginning to learn to quilt, as a kind of therapy, and it was SO helpful. I chatted with the folks on live chat until the wee hours of the morning on those nights I couldn’t sleep, I marveled at all the beautiful quilts for hours at a time and took all the quilt classes I could sign up for at my LQS. Then in December when I lost my mom, it got harder to keep “pulling myself up by the bootstraps” but I did manage to get through Christmas and the holidays. All was going fairly well until all the senior pictures and other graduation preparations for my youngest started. It hit me that my nest was about to be completely empty….no dad, mom or kids to take care of.
So…..when all the swaps opened up in January I joined them ALL! I signed up for BOTH Boomerang Groups, the Round Robin, the Siggy Swap, and started Hosting the Magnet Swap. The plan was to stay SO busy that I wouldn’t get depressed, etc.
Well, what I didn’t know is that there would be days that I could sit on the board all day, chat on live chat pretending that I was doing great but would not be able to actually get anything done at all. I especially didn’t foresee days that I wouldn’t want to get out of bed. So, I finally broke down and went to the doctor recently and am getting some meds that have been helpful. The doctor was very nice in telling me that I should not have expected myself to bounce back….blah…blah…blah but the truth is, I am humiliated and ashamed to have to admit that I have not lived up to what I agreed to do.
I am NOT asking for any sympathy believe me....this is TOTALLY my own fault. What I do need is for anyone who needs their block back in the next week or so to let me know so I can look to see if it is already made or make it and get it sent ASAP. I will be working night and day to get the rest made and do not anticipate any other delays.
I have finished the 56 blocks for the Siggy Swap and they are already packed and ready, the Magnet Swap is doing much better in that everyone for the most part is sending as they said they would, etc. so that is really easy and fun now, and the ladies in my Row Robin group are total dolls plus that row is about done anyway. So....I am putting ALL of my focus on getting ya’lls blocks done.
Again, I am truly sorry for this and promise that it will not happen again. If allowed, I would like to do the next Boomerang swap but only one group this time....LOL ;)
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