Thread: tattoos?
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Old 04-13-2011, 06:10 AM
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Originally Posted by raedar63
I had them before they were "cool" which P*&^#s me off! I LOTHE being trendy , thank goodness I can cover them all up if I choose. I am going to get a 1\4 sleave when I can afford it.It will be for my personal viewing and will remain covered in public. Never judge a book by it's cover , a funny story...

I am a critical care nurse, a fairly respectable profession, I keep my personal life very private from work. I was getting report from another nurse one evening and she proceeded to tell me that the young woman whose care I was assuming was "trashy" well I can not stand when people are jugemental so I asked why she would say this, she replied"well she has tattoos all over her back and legs" I then replied " Charlene, how long have you known me?", She replied " about 5 years why? I then said what do you think of my character? She said I think you are a great person what are you talking about? I then proceeded to pull up my sleaves, pull down my scrub top, started to pull my pants down well you get the picture, Needles to say she turned very pale and then very red! Moral of the story .... JUDGE NOT !!!!!!!!!

Bet she thought twice from then on about judging a book by it's cover :)

I always say "never judge a book by it's cover, you might miss the best story you ever read" :)

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