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Old 04-14-2011, 07:55 AM
Super Member
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Castle Rock, Washington State
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A tute would be great. As for board posting images, that is pretty easy. Windows has a image editor, if you don't have photoshop or that type of software. Just make sure the images aren't huge, because that takes a long time to load.

Save them as a .jpg or .gif extension.

Save them to your desktop so you can find them.

When the File attachments show at the bottom of your post, put in a word or two on the first line, browse to the desktop to find your .jpg or .gif. When you are done adding, just hit send!

Originally Posted by Terryl
Okay everyone, not sure where I should go to post my mitered corners secrets (shared with me by my first quilt teacher Roberta, I didn't even know how to thread my machine when I took her "Red Hat applique" class). First you stop stitching 1/4 inch from the bottom of quilt, take 4 stitches back, tie off thread, cut, fold corners, begin stitching 1/4 inch from top of corner, take 4 stitches forward, back up 3 stitches, ( this secures your seam doesn't come unstitched) continue like this for remainder of binding. Makes beautiful, perfect mitered corners EVERY time :) :) :) If Candi will come down to see me, I will get her to help post a "real" tutorial, but since I can't yet post pics on my own ( I know I gotta learn) I can't get the tute on the board.
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