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Old 10-04-2007, 10:35 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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I welcome your questions Suz! It's nice to see someone so excited about trying out a new technique. :) You're very welcome for whatever advice I've given that can be helpful.

I've never experienced any drag while m-quing. My mother's machine has a very slippery surface, so there was never a problem there, and I have also not had any problems with the Juki. It's got a metal bed, and even though the extension is plastic, it's very smooth. I do make sure that the bed is very clean before I begin. I've heard of others doing what you do, waxing it a bit before they start. Whatever works for you without hurting your machine is great!

I tried using gloves and found I wasn't comfortable at all. I have been quilting without them for so long that it felt awkward and bulky. The ones I tried were the Fons and Porter gloves, which I understand are thinner than some and not so cumbersome, but even still, I felt I had more control with bare hands. I use a product called Sortkwik that I get at the office supply store. You could also check to see if W-mart carries it. It makes my hands sticky enough to keep a good grip on the fabric, but it doesn't leave any stains or residue on the fabric. I love the stuff. My students have had success with it as well. If you're already using gloves, then you're probably getting used to them and you'll be comfortable using them right from the start, which is great. I say whatever works for the individual Suz. I'd quilt with my feet if it would improve my technique! LOL

I can't wait to see some of your practice swatches. I hope you have as much fun with this as I do and I also hope that you will allow yourself to play around with what Karen does, and make it your own. :)
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