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Old 04-17-2011, 10:00 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Littlefield, TX, USA
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I think true hoarding is a sickness...I think there are different levels of hoarding though. My sister (so did mom) hoard...only because their mental capicity and havng been poor make them that way. My sister has not only her things, but all four of her children's boxes & stuff stored in her home....neat and in boxes/bins...not garbage.

I have a ton of fabrics, magazines, old dishes, knick knacks, etc...why? because we owned a 2nd hand store. I purge every year (area wide garage sale), but we end up with more.

Fabrics I buy on sale...I'm 75 miles round trip from nearest fabric store now...I am slowing using all I have. I don't save anything smaller than a fat quarter...but as my fabric stash grows...which was stored on shelves in this one room...but cold weather (this room is not heated) grew colder...I ended up indoors...took up two about half way back to being in this one room.

I think hoarding is not really what Barb was doing...she was, like a lot of us, disorganized. Getting organized costs money...and that's money we can use to pay for batting, backings and postage on our quilts of valor. We would rather use the money for soldiers & charity, than use it for plastic bins. I'm slowing buying bins to put my fabrics in...bins that fit the 8 large shelving units I have it in now.
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