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Old 04-18-2011, 08:06 AM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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WHO would unload this stuff, and what would we have done to make it easier for them? Would someone peruse my home, my rooms, go through my drawers?
Yeah, that's what I've been thinking these last 4 years since DH passed away. I've been reading Flylady and for 15 minutes at a time, going through my stuff, one drawer at a time. And donating a lot, sent a lot of lovely (but unused for years) nice wool coats to our local women's place. Gave masses to the kids but they won't accept much more. Have to actually LOOK at things and's amazing how little I really need to live comfortably. And I even gave 3 boxes of worthless fabric (fabric not cottons for quilts) to a family group who makes dolls.
And tools..I've finally admitted that no way do I need 9 hammers, including the one I glued (accidently) to the garage floor years ago and managed to pry up. I find it hard to get rid of things, but it's easier after seeing those "Hoarder" programs on a friend's TV. I don't "Hoard" fabrics, even though I have a bookcase wall half full of them. Just makes it easier to find what I want.
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