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Old 03-13-2009, 07:58 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Location: MIchigan
Posts: 527

Unfortunately no even close to lottery. I have bought things that I can use in the time that I have each day because I can not do regular things or walk very far. Most of my work goes to charity.

Household things are things needed to make my life easier and to help ease pain in my back. Get tired of asking dear hubby to do everything for me because I can't lift or reach up. So I am splurging on a few things for in the house. As well as the quilting things to make time go a little faster for me.

You are all wonderful for your good thoughts and wishes. Do not want anyone to think my disability is a scam because it definitly isn't. I was just so excited about affording a few things I have wanted for a long time and as my hubby is retired we was just barely living paycheck to paycheck. Forgive me if I offended anyone by bragging about what I got. That was not my intention.

Hope everyone is ready for a quilty weekend. I am trying to get quilt room in to order so I can use my new toys but it takes a while as I get tired very easily.

(((((HUGS)))))) for all my friends.

Love ya all Linda D
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