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Old 04-19-2011, 12:03 PM
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I have a square hand held hoop that snaps together and is made out of PVC pipe. Had it so long I don't know what it's called. I like it because with a round hoop you have to re-hoop so often and cover the same area so often to get to every space. With a square hoop you get every inch and don't cover the same area so often. A square peg fits better in a square hole. I made muslin sleeves to fit over two of the sides. I pin these to the edges of the quilt when I'm quilting the edges. Works great for me. They have covers to snap over the edges to hold the quilt in place. By rotating these snap-on covers you can adjust the tension of the quilt also. This all unsnaps and you store for foot long sections of pipe until the next time. Easier than a round hoop.
I have a large oval frame too but that is in the basement and rarely gets used. (Under water this past weekend, hope it's not warped.) Because I move the quilt to be more comfortable to me, I have trouble working with someone else, like at a quilting bee. I don't like to sit up to the frame. I'm used to sitting back and relaxing while I quilt.
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