Thread: FMQ Machine
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Old 04-19-2011, 03:08 PM
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having only three machines at my disposal - only one fits all of the above. Janome 6600. Also has accufeed (integrated walking foot) which I love for long strip piecing as well as straight line quilting. Can program in one touch whether you want needle up or down stop, lots of decorative stitches plus letters and numbers - all programable so you can automatically spell names then just "go". Thread cutter (which I rarely use), needle threader (which I don't use at all). Speed control for FMQ - but does not have stitch regulator. Handles FMQ quite well and has a decent size harp (throat area) of 9".

it can be a bit fussy though with regard to what kind of thread you feed it. At least that's what I've found. it does not like cheap thread, and it prefers the same weight in the top and the bobbin. I confess it could be me though as I've probably not figited with it enough. I also don't like the "tightness" of the machine parts with regard to fitting a screw driver to change the face plate and even the needle. I have very small hands too. Changing the needle is fussy (to me) because the needle holder likes to wobble once the needle is out and trying to hold it straight and replace needle with right hand while placing screw and turning driver with left hand - well - it takes patience.

My other machine - a Husky Lily 535 I actually prefer for piecing. Straighter more even stitches. I like the FMQ of it as well. It has start/stop, needle up/down stop selection, but does not have knee lift. has a fair amount of decorative stitches. it's also not a bit fussy about the thread that I feed it.

Your best option ... go to a large quilt show like Paducah where most if not all of the vendors have machines there to play with. Try them ALL out and see what you like the best. Have a list of "must haves" to narrow your search down. Other than that, visit as many LQS's as you have to to try out all the top manufacturers, most LQS have at least two manufacturers that they deal with.
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