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Old 04-20-2011, 05:23 PM
PatQuilts's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Waukesha, WI
Posts: 61

I've managed to end up with a very, very nice (and expensive) oak floor frame that adjusts to different size quilts, a floor style PVC pipe frame, a smaller rectangular PVC pipe frame for lap quilting and an inexpensive round frame.

In addition to the space issue, I find putting a quilt on the large frame a bit of a hassle. It is much easier to "snap" a quilt into the smaller and less expensive frames. There is something relaxing about sitting in a comfy chair and quilting so I prefer using the smaller PVC pipe frame of a round frame.

You can get both types of PVC pipe frames via Joanne's Fabrics. I used a 50% off coupon and got the smaller frame for about $9. I would stay away from the really flimsy round wood frames and invest in one of the sturdier plastic round lap frames--especially if you have kids around or a bit klutzy. (Someone sat on mine and broke it!)

If the project is square, the PVC lap frame seems to be my preferred choice. If I am quilting a round motif, I switch to the round frame. The smaller frames are so inexpensive it's not a bit deal to have both.
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