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Old 03-15-2009, 06:25 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Good for your daughter and her kids that she is a fighter.
Ppl just don't get the 'realities' of living with children with these traits.
It takes incredible amounts of patience, which we do lose, energy, which has to be renewed and the consistency/unpredictability of it all is exhausting.
Poor thing, no wonder she was looking for a way for both of them to sleep. It's mind boggling to me, that a doctor could think a mother just wants to drug her child, but I have seen so much.
There are support groups, but who has time?...and sometimes for just a little bit, a person needs to be able to think about something else.
I know ppl who are just adamant about 'no meds' for a child. One friend whose daughter has adhd had her on meds, and she was doing so much better in school etc. i practically begged her to go get the counseling that was free to her...but, her family threw fits over the meds and shamed her. She took daughter off of meds, and now four years later, the little girl is the reason no one will spend time with the mother.
She acts like she is the child's friend and lets her run all over her. The daughter is nine and physically somewhat pushes her mother around and is allowed to be very...she is very impulsive and the whole thing has taken quite a toll on the child's self esteem. She has gained a lot of weight bc she insists on everything being her own way and won't eat anything but junk food, which in turn makes her behavior worse.
She is a physically very pretty little girl, friendly and I'm sure she is bright, underneath all that. Most of these children are very intelligent.
They just have trouble getting it out.
Oh, I am on a roll again, but you can see, these things really touch my heart.
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