Old 04-21-2011, 05:10 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Hey Denise PM me and I can walk you through it, the 66 is the one machine I know like the back of my hand and I can put one together in my sleep.

And I have all of the debris cleaned up and and I ended up building a huge fire in the backyard getting rid of a lot of the mess. My neighbor and I got both of our homes back to where they were before the storms.

That is the good..........now the bad. :(

My carport area was totaled and when the section of the tree hit it it knocked a lot off the walls only a couple of machines were damaged, but nothing that can be repaired easily. And I had some of my hand wheels sitting on a shelf and they flew off and hit a machine that was sitting quite a ways from them. So the hit was really violent to say the least. But I am going out there today and I am going to get some machines serviced and try to get my Studio back together on the inside.

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