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Old 04-23-2011, 07:41 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: North Central, NC
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There is just something about a old sewing machine whether it's the stories they tell or the fact that they run forever and it's almost impossible to break them!!! Lots of us have more than one project going at one time so you can even leave a machine set up for a specific project while still being able to sew some other project on another ... or dare I say that terrible word .... repair (as in fixing torn clothing)!!! Some people collect baseball cards, stamps, coins, owl figurines, etc. while others collect (and sometimes save from the dump!) sewing machines. Granted one needs more room for machines! That's why they make vanilla and chocolate (and strawberry, cherry, rocky road, etc.) ice cream. By the way, lovely older machine you have there. Looks like a real workhorse.
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