Thread: WalMart
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Old 10-07-2007, 09:24 AM
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 23

I saw a show on Walmart factories in other countries the other day. :(

Suffice it to say after seeing the conditions these workers live in, and the rate of pay (between $0.13 an HOUR and $8 a day) they pay their employees, I will be shopping at other stores as often as I can, and scrimping in other areas so that we can eat and still pay the bills.

I remember when Sam Walton was still alive and the stores all had the signs on top of the rounds that said "Made in the USA," and now less than 10% of their non-food merchandise is produced in this country. I can't in good conscience pay less for something at the expense of people in other countries who are making less in a day than most workers here at McDonald's earn flipping burgers.

There are a few things I still need to get there until I can find them in other places but as soon as I locate another place to purchase them, I will. It embarrasses me to think that I've been shopping in a place that is so profit-oriented it will outsource its products so that it makes more money, all the while sacrificing quality and integrity. :oops:

Trisha in MO :roll:
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