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Old 10-07-2007, 09:34 AM
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Originally Posted by lin
I just got back from the Quilt Congress in Little Rock and we spent the whole day yesterday visiting the local quilt stores and I saw this same quilt in one of them, all done up in Christmas colors. It was fabulous!!

We also went to see one of the quilts I've hand-quilted and won a blue ribbon for, hanging in the Capitol Museum. It was thrilling to see it there, hanging with so many other incredible quilts! I got to meet Margaret Miller (she was our guest speaker) and she's a really sweet and funny lady. I bought a package of her AnglePlay templates with patterns, and I can't wait to get started on one. They're really neat!! She's also one of the judges for the quilt show at the museum. Even if the quilt doesn't win a prize, it was juried in so it gets to hang there for the next six months. I'm so pleased. :)
Lin, I am about 2 hours from Little Rock.. I would love to know when things come to this area.. I am in the S.W. area and out in the boonies :lol: So I do not have an avenue for info.. I would have loved to have been there..

I do love the quilt.. It is beautiful...
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