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Old 04-24-2011, 05:55 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: North Central Texas
Posts: 378

If you lived in Texas, I would ask you if there was any Barnett-Shale drilling going on near you. We had four wells drilled within a 5 mile radius of us in 2010...they hit our reservoir of water and our well went dry overnight...really too bad to, as that well had run with the best Artisien water for over 70 yrs. Our only choice was to move, as the Landlord refused to drill another well.

But that is the way it goes sometime...and its ok now...we are in a lovely home on many acres, in the country...and NO Barnett-Shale drilling going on for many, many miles around us...and none will, as they have already found this area to be "empty" for natural gas....

So hang in there, and I am so sorry this happened to you....
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