Old 04-25-2011, 07:55 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Upstate NY
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by TexasGurl
Originally Posted by Deborah12687
You can use the patterns for personal use the way you want but the copy right is you can't sell the pattern or copies to others. When you buy the pattern it gives you the right to use it.
I've wondered about the sellers I've seen who are selling single, torn-out magazine patterns on ebay and other sites ?? That surely must be a violation of copyright laws ? Yet they continue to do it ...?
It seems to me, unqualified that I am, that THAT would be a direct violation. But for you and me, if I scan a pattern from a magazine, and store it on my computer or in a binder, I don't think the Copyright Police will come to arrest me, or impose a fine, or whatever they do....execution? LOL. Nor do I think we have to worry about it, unless we are selling or distributing multiple copies. I say, collect your patterns and enjoy them.
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