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Old 04-25-2011, 09:55 AM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 25

I grew up with a well and Daddy was always good at fixing it so we rarely had a problem. One time it went out on Sunday morning and the preacher's wife stopped by and told Daddy what a bad man he was for working on Sunday. He replied that he was doing it so his wife and children could go to church. She didn't answer him.

For the past twenty years we have lived in a house with a well and have had little trouble except when the electricity would go out. Then lightning struck the well and we were without water for several days. My husband brought water home from work for the necessities. The good part was that we got to eat out a lot for those few days.

I hope your Easter dinner went okay. With that many people coming, I might have asked the church for the loan of its dining hall. A late "Happy Easter" to you and your family.

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