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Old 01-16-2007, 03:24 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 225


Thank-You so much. Went to the sites that you sent me, GREAT info as well as presented so well in a very organized way. Of course I had to print it out. I started a while back making my own note-book with info that I know I'll need over and over again. When I run into valuable info, such as what you sent me. I have to print it to add to my own book. Again Thanks so much for your time and info. I like to measure a bed as well. But in this circumstance I have been comissoned to make a queen size quilt, for my neighbor who wants to give it as a wedding gift, in May. So I don't know what size (the couples) bed would be, and neither dose my neighbor, so I really needed the measurements to be acturate for my neighbor, who requested Queen size.
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