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Old 04-25-2011, 09:43 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Some where in way out West Texas
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Originally Posted by saf
I can verify that descendants of this original group still exist here in the UK. I enthisiatically joined a newly formed group as a novice a few months ago. All were newbies like myself with the exception of one. We sat in awe for the first 4 sessions while she corrected the teacher at every breath and castigated our futile attempts to achieve a true 1/4" seam without sticking our tongues while we sewed. Finally we came to display our log cabin placemats - great trepidation, knees trembling with excitement and fear of criticism - true to form, she found fault with everyones efforts and praise for none. Her placemat made no appearance at all. However, she did offer to make labels for us all on her fancy machine which has 3, yes 3 alphabets. We ended the session with a discussion about the sampler quilt using QAYG -that we would start when we next met. the rest of us were gungho - what - real patchwork and quilting. She who must not be names -predictably disagreed and said that we should concentrate on a single block quilt so that we could learn how to perfect our points?? half triangles?? Just as we were going to concede to THE LAW someone had the audacity to ask her how many quilts she had made over the years. Her reply - 'Well none actually but she had a friend who quilted."
Yes, I admit it - I shot the sheriff but I did not shoot the deputy down! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Way to go!! Don't you just love people like her, hasn't made anything herself, but loves to tell others just how to do it. Reminds me of my ladte FIL, who seemed to be an expert or always acted like at least he knew everything about anything anyone was doing or talking about, always had an input into the subject. We were visiting the inlaws one weekend about 30 yrs or so ago, I had taken my sewing machine with me, as I was working on a project that I needed to get finished. I was set up at the kitchen table and he came in and watched me for a few minutes, then proceded to make the comment, "you know I don't know anything about sewing" well normally I just kept my mouth shut, but couldn't hold it in that time. I spoke up with "Well that's so nice to know, because I didn't think there was anything that you didn't know everything about the subject" he just looked at me and never said anything else. I know that was really tacky but I just couldn't help myself, I had listened to him spout off for years about everything anyone was talking about. Needless to say, he and I always got along, I guess because I would stand up to him and others wouldn't they just let him take over. My DH is the youngest of 5 children.
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