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Old 10-08-2007, 07:49 PM
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A dot of shampoo (no green, like prell, for some reason green shampoo stains cloth) diluted with a drop or two of water will take blood out of anything. If at all possible work the blood out from the back of fabric to the front...that way you push the stain out the same way it went in. Front to back sometimes pushes the stain deeper into the fibers and takes a little more work to get out. My mother had a massive nose bleed (required a trip to the er) over a white w/green pinstripe night gown I had just bought her for her birthday. Shampoo took it right out even after it had all day to set in. Shampoo is designed to clean protiens, and blood, after all is nothing but protien. When hand sewing my shelf sitter dolls, I usually have more than one blood drop on them...just dab at it with a white cloth or guaze pad and poof alllll gone!
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