Thread: Obsession
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Old 04-27-2011, 02:42 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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Originally Posted by wattse2000
Ok -- I think I am obsessed and I hope I'm not the only one. It seems like the moment I start a project (or even the idea for a project) I am like a woman obsessed to get it done! I still enjoy piecing, quilting, whatever I happen to be doing at the time, but the strong urge I have to complete the project turns the activity into more of an all-consuming obsession than a relaxing past time. Does anyone else have this problem?

My main problem right now is that I jumped into this tremendous hand-piecing project. When I started I thought it might take me a year to complete -- quilting and all -- now I'm 6 months into the project and I can see that a year is MAYBE enough time to piece the top -- MAYBE. Now I'm depressed because all I can think about is the end product which I won't be enjoying for a long, long while. I need to learn to enjoy the moment!!!!

FYI -- when I finally do finish the thing I'm afraid I won't want to touch it for fear of destroying it after all the blood, sweat and tears that went into it. It will probably sit in a closet somewhere and never get used!!!!!
Oh that is so pretty so far. Don't ever hide it away. Display it somewhere, it is far too pretty to put in a closet and not use it.
I am the same way, I can hardly wait to finish most of the projects i start, and some just take way toooooo long to suit me. I guess because we live in such an "instant" everything world now, maybe that's our problem ya think? Be sure to show us the beautiful completed quilt.
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