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Old 04-28-2011, 04:07 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Posts: 13

Originally Posted by mamabear229
60 and been sewing since I was 8yrs old. made 1st quilt when I was about 14. mentally I'm about 25. does that lower the ave?
I can hardly believe I'm almost 61! How did that even happen! I had some blood work done yesterday & the lady that came in after me told the tech that she was 61. My head shot up & I looked at her - I saw her in the waiting room & assumed she was older. When I came out, I asked my husband if he saw her - I needed some verification that I didn't look my age (or older). Of course, he wasn't paying attention, so I had to convince myself that I look pretty good for an old broad:)
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