Old 04-28-2011, 07:15 PM
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Originally Posted by charismah
Suz sent me this dresden plate for long arm quilting. Isn't it just HAPPY?

After discussing design ideas with her...she gave me permission to put a design in the center part of the dresden....and she let me decide on (almost) everything else.

I thought about going conservative and stippling in the background areas...BUT I am working on my own happy Dresden plate and I already knew in my mind how I was going to quilt it...which was with Charisma Curls...so I really wanted to do that on this quilt because I just knew it would be so pretty. I love it!
She liked the leaves in the sashings...and a feathered border.

Each area got a different treatment and a different texture.
I think the stipple would have been pretty as well...because it is really about breaking up each area ( in this particular case) into a different quilting design, they can all be really simple designs and when they all come together it makes the quilt shine.

I think some people fear quilting because they think they have to do such dynamic things ...and you don't most of the time....We apply the same concept in quilting as we do in choosing our fabrics. We have our blenders (stipple, loops, charisma curls), we have our eye poppers ( feathers, leaves, crosshatching) and we have our favorites (florals, swirlies and everything in-between)...when we blend them all together we have art!

That's my take on it anyway. I am sure everyone has their own philosophy...but that is how I like it to be.... :thumbup:

I used Hobbs polydown batting. I like this batting because it doesn't beard or collect lint. I also just love the look of it! If you are interested in where i get it please PM me...I am not in any way affiliated with the shop that sells it....I just get a lot of questions on batting and I am willing to share my resources. They are a shop that sells long arm quilting supplies to the public at cost. Thanks!

I also quilted this on my INNOVA. No pantograph or computer quilting..all freehand.

Thanks for looking.
That is a beautiful quilt, pieceing is perfect. I am signed up to do one at a retreat. I hope it turns out as beautiful!
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