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Old 04-29-2011, 08:20 AM
NJ Quilter
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Originally Posted by Mornigstar
Very different than most posts so far. I take no meds but yrs ago was introduced to meletonin--from health food store. Needed them about 4 times a yr.
Don't laugh now-- but recently I read the book --The Precious Present --actually discussing living in the present moment --which I heard Oprah mention one day. So at night after reading for a few min. I tell myself to live in the moment and go to sleep because that is why I am now in bed. Small book , easy read but impactful to me.

Tomorrow I will live in the moment again even when I am driving and therefore able to concentrate on anything I am doing. You can laugh now.
Wanted to mention that before this I was like you and did so much work (in my mind ) while trying to go to sleep.
Made so so many quilts too.
Mornigstar - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for mentioning this book in this thread! I saw the book mentioned on Oprah as well but didn't write it down at the time and could not for the life of me remember the title. When it was discussed I thought it would be a great gift for a friend of mine. Thanks to you, I just looked it up online and sent her a couple of links that I think will be helpful for her. She suffers terribly from IBS mainly as a result of stress and emotional termoil. I really hope this becomes a helpful tool for her.

But to get back on topic - I have the same sleep issues. 55 and perimenopausal. I was never a great sleeper but the last few years have been hell. And like someone else posted in this thread, we have a new puppy as well that up until a few nights ago was not sleeping through the night. Fortunately most times DH gets up with him. If (when) I wake in the middle of the night and get out of bed - forget it. I'm up for the duration. DH is like a horse - can sleep standing up any time of day or night. I'm so envious of that ability. If I wake and can manage to get back to sleep right away it's usually ok. I'm allergic to benedryl so the PM tabs won't do me any good. I'm assuming this, too, shall pass once I get through menopaus. A girl can dream, can't she! Again, thank you.
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