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Old 04-30-2011, 11:11 AM
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my sister plays the lottery a lot. She asked me what I would do with my winnings, if there were ever to be any- first, must buy ticket. :)

I don't see eye to eye with my family most days so I said I would give them something- $1.00 to buy their own ticket. That's what I would spend. We'd have the same chance of winning.

And to the sponges who would come out of the woodwork I would say- get a job, live within your means, learn to budget. Just like I have had to do to provide for my family. My philosophy is- if I'm down to my last dollar, it is up to me to get the next one and the one after that. I don't look for handouts and I haven't had it easy all my life.

I've always given to my church- not tithing, but as I could afford. It irks me those people who have to give 10% but have no food in the pantry (I know someone like this). I take care of my family's needs and then give.

I wouldn't pay off my mortgage as I need the interest as a tax deduction. I would improve my home and the first thing I would do is hire someone to clean up the lawn from winter's effects. Then hire someone to give my house a good scrubbing and then I will take over. Oh and have someone open and close the pool. I can't put the cover on and off by myself but I can maintain and like to vacuum it.

I'd close my business and stay home- giving my time to grands so they don't have to attend day care like my kids did and be there for my family to help them.

So much to do- but you have to buy a ticket, so I will get my butt up every day and go to work and live within my means. Yes, I've thought about this. But I always say- God didn't mean for me to be rich or he would have done it by now. And now I will get off the computer and get back to cleaning up the yard. :)
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