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Old 05-01-2011, 02:36 PM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 83

All of you who take Ambien, be careful. My sister ended up in the psych ward several months ago because in her desperation to get sleep, she took too much along with alcohol. I've used it and love the sleep I get with it, but I'm afraid to do it too often. I've been getting better sleep since I started taking Slow Mag at night. It's magnesium and calcium. I also don't have any caffeine after 3:00, don't get on the computer after about 7:00 because the light from it is supposed to reset your "clock" that's in your eyes and tells you it's morning instead of night. I remember how desperate for sleep I was when I had young children, and now that I have the time for sleep, it's hard.
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