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Old 05-01-2011, 05:51 PM
KS quilter
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 282

We always had a new hat at Easter when I was growing up.
That's been 65 or 70 years ago. After I married seems hardly anyone wore them. However, about 20 years or so ago, at the request of my husband (he really
likes to see women wear hats) I did buy about a dozen. Then
after a few short years, I began to fee conspicous when I
wore a hat, because everyone else at church dressed really,
really casual. We go to a Baptist church and the ladies
there all dress quite nicely, so I do wear them again from
time to time. Not so much in the summer as they are a bit
warm. I am not alone, others wear them also from time to
time. It is disturbing to me that at weddings, funerals
and special occasions, that people don't just dress casual
it seems some dress "just plain sloppy". If it is all they
have I could accept that, but I know they could do better.
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