Thread: Jean Rag Quilt
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Old 10-11-2007, 05:08 AM
susan s.
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 398

I like it. Great idea using flannel for the back. (so cozy) I think I'll try one. I have some different colors of denim. I'm collecting right now. I'm just finishing my first quilt. Other than the appliqued wall hanging I made back in 1985(It was stolen) I have one border on, three to go. Tho my mistake was not stretching and pinning the back enough so the back is a bit wrinkled and bunched in a few spots. I did rip some seams to even out a couple of the sq. backs. I still like it and I'm sure my neice will. I'll try getting it on line over the weeekend. My digital camera is a cheapo. I'm not sure how good the pics will be. I used mostly BOM block patterns tho I also threw in some of my own design elements.
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