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Old 05-02-2011, 04:35 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Bard,California
Posts: 697

Well,I'm 55 yrs old.Am disabled too,and have been all my life,but didn't get on disability till I was 37 yrs old because my bone doctor said I had to.No choice.I just couldn't admit to myself I couldn't work anymore.I loved working and missed it terribly.I am in extreme pain daily,as I have degenerative bones.I had my rt radius elbow taken off when I was 14 yrs old as when I was 8,they said they had to wait till I reached my adulthood of sorts as the bone quite growing.I also have a straight neck,no curve,4 carpal surgeries,bad back,knee,etc.Am on pain killers that only dull the pain.But never complained.Am just shot and worn out from all the hard work and wrecks,and arteritus now I've had.I love quilting and have into and around it since I can remember.My mom and grandmother always made quilts and comforters for the less fortunate.So,have been blessed to have been a part of it.I am married,my hubby is 84.We been married and together for 20 yrs now.He's the light of my life.I have no children,but cats and a dog.We have 2 mobility scooters that we ride every evening on the Colorado River and ditch banks.I too can not exercise,but have lost 90 lbs the last 3 1/2 yrs.But have gained 15 lbs back.Slacked off.My fault.I'm not a quitter,whiner,or complainer.I'm a warrier and will fight till the end.I'm not a can't do person,I'm a can do.I can do anything that my abilities allow me too.I push myself hard.I give myself no excuses.I'm this way because of my own bad choices in the past on eating habits.I did a life style change,and now go with portion control,no bread,no butter,use butter flavored pam,green salad.and lots of water.So,good luck to all,and glad to meet you all.
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