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Old 05-02-2011, 05:01 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 862

Middle aged and also disabled due to brain injury. I also very much miss working! My current goal is to lose 30 lbs before my September checkup (diabetes). Yes, I know, that's maybe a meager number considering I have more than that to lose, but I've learned to put my goals in smaller, achievable steps. My bigger problem is maintaining weight loss,so I'm trying to do this a tad differently. Weight Watchers was great, but I can't afford it. I've lost 10 pounds since March (and it has stayed off!).

As far as personal stuff, I am long divorced and gasp, live with my parents, primarily to provide support for my Mom. My Dad and bro both have severe heart problems so I do all the errands including shlepping them to appointments. I have 5 feline quilt testers, but one cat is a dedicated quilting/knitting cat.
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