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Old 05-02-2011, 05:08 PM
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Rapid City, SD
Posts: 2,381

Well HOWDY Y'ALL!! I am Missy and I am 42 (well I will be on the 14th). I am a schizophrenic and I live with my mom and step-dad. I am doing great on my meds and as long as I take them the voices and hallucinations stay away. Yay for that!

I am 24 days away from weight loss surgery and cannot wait for that day! I told my therapist that when they wheel me into surgery I will be cheering and yelling WOOHOO!!! I am just so ready and so excited. I need to lose about 250 pounds so it will not be an easy or short journey but an essential one.

I am very active in my community helping those who are also afflicted with mental illnesses.

I can't think of much else. Oh, one more thing, I have a girlfriend that I love with all my heart and am so happy that we have found each other! She is an angel sent from heaven and I treat her that way. She treats me like a queen and I cannot imagine a day without her.

I am an open book so if you have a question, ask! :)

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