Thread: "new" singer
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Old 05-02-2011, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by LoriEl
Thanks, everyone.
She is a 128 so I will be checking out those bobbin sites! I looked at Lostn51's tute on cleaning the machine but I'm too afraid.
Don't be afraid!! I have a Singer 28 handcrank machine (looks very similar to the 128) that I took apart and cleaned and she runs so-o-o smoothly!!! I had never taken a machine apart before so I took plenty of pictures as I took each section apart. I put the pieces, for each section, in small baggies to keep them separated. Then, after cleaning everything along with oiling and greasing all of the proper places, I put it all back together again by looking at the photos that I took. It was easier than you would think.
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