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Old 05-05-2011, 05:41 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 412

I am a complete beginner having only started to learn quilting about 5 months ago. In addition, I work very slowly. Seeing me so excited, my husband built me a cutting table and bought me a new sewing machine. It is exciting but you know what? It also made me feel a little nudge of pressure to produce some quilts or anything, with the tools he so lovingly provided for me. I hate that there is that little nagging feeling somewhere buried in my mind. It can't be normal but there it is.
I love crafting in many different ways so what I try to do is just work on what feels right at the time. I don't always want to sew. I can't offer much advice but I do know that I had abandoned sewing for many years after sewing for many years. It turns out my love for the process didn't disappear, I was just too busy with what was my life.
I think, if you like quilting, you can leave it for a while and come back when it feels right. Sometimes backing away from something makes it easier to evaluate your feelings about it.
Like I stated, I'm a beginner at quilting. Holy cow, the mistakes! I'm not a beginner at frustration though. I wouldn't sell my tools right away but I would back away for a while. Have a smile filled day.
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