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Old 05-05-2011, 10:30 AM
Rita's mom
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Xylie55- I know those not so good feelings while you wait till the next meal. Always before when I tried to lose weight my sugars would drop and I would want to eat everything in sight before lunch. This time one of the first rules I made was I HAVE to have a healthy breakfast(not cake or cookies like before) about 1 hour after I get up. Not at 12 or 1 o'clock because I got busy and put it off. I have had oatmeal most days and then some sort of small protien about 10 o'clock. I don't get that headache and starving feeling anymore. I am trying to be able to eat about what I feed everyone else in my house. I just cut my portions way down. That way I don't feel deprived and it works in any situation I am in. Used to be if I got in a situation with cake or sweets I would not be able to just have a few small bites of it and push it away, now I can for some reason. I don't keep that stuff in the house though because if I did It would call to me and you all know the rest of that story! I do feel a little guilty though because when we are out at a party or reception I have a few bites and then give the reat to my hubby to finish. Which he is more than willing to do, but somewhere in the back of my evil mind I know I am helping him wreck his health to save mine!:)
I do love to bake, but homemade cakes and cookies are my biggist weakness so now when I have to bring something somewhere I just buy it at the store and take it. I'm not tempted and it leaves me free time to quilt. I used to take pride in all of my homemade treats and would never be caught dead bringing a store bought cake to a family gathering. Well now I realize the only reward you get from being a great baker is a great big butt!:) oh and if there is some left at the end of a party DON'T bring it home with you.....never! Pawn it off on everyone else! I know I am making it out to be a joke but what I am really trying to say is, I am realizing that it is easy to change the way we do alot of things to benifit ourselves. When I bring fruit plates and relish trays they disappear just as fast. And hopefully so will my butt!:)

I also knew I had to come up with a plan that wasn't too harsh or I would never stick to it. If I get in a situation that has foods that temp me I just take a very small amount or just a few bites and then push it away. The 4th and 5th bite tastes just like the first ones. That way I don't feel deprived and I don't ruin my days worth of calories. And nobody even realizes you are watching what you eat. I don't know about everyone else but it embarasses(SP?) me for everyone to know I am trying to lose weight. I don't know why but it does.

If you drink all of the water they say you should that keeps you pretty busy trying to get it all in for the day. Some one told me once to make it nice for your self. Buy a pretty glass or cup and use lemons and limes for garnish so it makes trying to drink that much more exciting! Plus you get a built in exercise routine- Sit, drink, run to the bathroom, sit , drink, run to the bathroom, and repeat!
Well that was very long and drawn out! sorry
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