Old 05-06-2011, 07:11 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 210

Originally Posted by Maia B
What machine and/or software did you use to make those blocks?! I need to get it!
Thanks for the kind words.

Have to admit this was really easy. Since I only used one color for the embroidery designs (I've had collected for over 10 years so sorry I don't know where I got them), each design only took 2 to 4 minutes to embroider. I used my Baby Lock BMP6. I cut one long strip of fabric and marked cutting lines, then just embroideed one after another - saved on stabilizer this way. And instead of using sewing machine to sew blocks together I used my serger - every block was even and now I have that nice fancy serger strong seam on the back.

There are times I don't take it off, so one day I just figured if I have to look at it, I should just make something nice. I used to just put one big sheet over the real quilt.

The hardest thing for me was doing the borders. With even and odd blocks I couldn't get the line up correct - that took me 4 days to figure out. First I just wanted solid alternating colors, wasn't happy, then I made those into triangles, wasn't happy, then I cut up those triangles and made more triangles. Then had to figure out how to "connect" the corners. But am happy with the final results.

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