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Old 05-08-2011, 01:01 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Back in the U.S.
Posts: 900

May I make a suggestion? I used to work at a quilt shop and the UPS driver would drop off bolts of fabric inside our back door and scan the bar codes. But occasionally he would leave a bolt addressed to another shop (because it looked like our stuff) and sometimes missed a scan. If you could find out the stops your driver made the day your item disappeared, it may have been left at one of those locations. They may think it's just an error in their favor and not realize it was a handmade treasure. If you check the scans on your item number on the UPS tracking website, you can narrow down the day. The hardest part is getting any info from UPS, but it's worth a try. If you could narrow down the area, you could put an ad in the local paper.
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