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Old 05-08-2011, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Hinterland
The quilt still hasn't been located. As far as UPS is concerned, there is nothing else they can do. All I can do is hope it shows up someday.

I have made my peace with the situation. Meanwhile, I consider myself a lucky quilter. The quilt could have disappeared on the way to its first quilt show. Instead, I had the opportunity to see it with ribbons at Vermont Quilt Festival and the Houston Quilt Festival. It went to several other shows where it won ribbons. Not many quilters get that opportunity.

The quilt disappeared in the UPS system in Colorado, on its way home from being photographed by Quilters Newsletter. It makes me proud to think that my quilt will be on the cover of the June /July issue.

Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes. The support of people who have never met me or seen my quilt means a lot to me, and made a negative event, positive.

Janet, hopefully the publicity generated by the QNM cover will reach even more people, and your quilt will be found. I really admire your attitude and how you've found a way to be positive in a horrible situation!
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