Old 05-08-2011, 07:30 PM
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I grow herbs outside. Thyme, oregano, cilantro, lemon balm, lavender, spearmint, peppermint, basil, parsley and catnip. I have grown lemon verbena and sage in the past.
Thyme, basil, parsley and oregano are staples in most cupboards. I snip it, spread it to dry on cookie sheets, then crumble it up (leaves) and freeze in baggies.
Cilanto does not hold its' flavor when dried so I freeze it and snip it as needed in Mexican dishes. Don't forget the seeds are coriander.
Lemon balm...I put several leaves in a cup and pour hot water over for herbal tea. I also snip fresh leaves into my cooked oatmeal. There's a recipe (which I can't find) that won a national contest that had snipped lemon balm leaves in cookies. It was basically a sugar cookie with snipped LB leaves, I think. It can be used in any cookie recipe or snipped into any dish where a lemony taste is desired. It can be dried the same as Thyme and Oregano.
Catnip...for the cats in your life. They act so silly rolling on it fresh or dried. Also, make a tea for colic in babies and to help them sleep. I got lots of it when I was a baby and so did my kids and grandkids. I've been making a tea to sip on...no reason except that it tastes good. It can be dried and crumbled for storage.
Lavender...I break off a branch and rub the leaves between my fingers to release the smell, tie it in a piece of cloth and drop into my pillowcase. It has such a soothing fragrance with which to fall asleep. You can also add it to potpouri or sew it into a pad that you'd put under a hot dish.
Lemon Verbena is the most potent of the lemon scented herbs. Rub a few leaves between your fingers and it smells just like a lemon pie.
The mints are good for tea and can be snipped into cereals and baked goods....or just eat the raw leaves like my grandson does.
Rosemary I love the smell to use like lavender, but my plants keep dying.
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