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Old 05-09-2011, 02:45 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Northern Minnesota
Posts: 201

Sorry I haven't kept up my end of the bargin (posting that is) I was very discouraged. I went out of town to visit my mom and did have a couple snack size candy bars but I really really did watch what I ate and when I got back home had gained 4 pounds!! I was so discouraged. I have been watching every bite I put in my mouth and I feel so FAT!! My clothes is getting looser. I don't have to "suck it in to get in my Jeans but the scale does not want to go down!!!
Feel better today I lost the 4 pounds and did really work hard all day yesterday in the yard so maybe just maybe I can loose some more. I will weigh in the AM and if I am up I QUIT!! If I am the same I will try a little harder!!
Thanks for listening. I will read the post and see what i missed!!!
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