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Old 03-27-2009, 05:54 AM
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Originally Posted by k3n
I smell you from here, C!

And you're right, I wouldn't say no if hubby said get two... (and an old Kenmore, so you've got THREE!!!)

K x
well, promised myself, this my last reply to anything this morning,, you know your special. :wink:
No, I don't have 3 sew. machines...I have five. I would have seven, but gave my daughter one, took one back to the 'giver'...she basically had me storing it, and i ain't got no room, belonged to hubby's cousins, technically. They had a chance at it, and passed on it. Was offered to me, but now I don't have to worry, that it will be asked for later.
One is in a cabinet, that frankly, my daughter, not a sewer, but so proud of me, saw it in a pawn shop, and it was a steal at 50.00.
It's in pc room, with a tv on top, cause there is no where to use it, but I won't give a gift like that up. I promised her if I ever didn't want it, I would send it back to her. She has a machine she doesn't use, and having to live with MIL for now. geesh, guess I'm going to get the goody out of this, being last a block to do, and a project to finish, gonna hop back and forth on them, today, cause I am salivating over block. anywho, I am rotten, quilty-wise, to the core, I am guilty, and admitting it.
Deal with hubby was want a new machine, get rid of old...he didn't say how many, lol! can't get rid of my little grandma's. One day will take in to repair shop for tune up, or whatever...when I work out with weights...that's one heavy machine!!! Can't recall name right now, but must be at least 50 years old or more. Well, getting my tiny hiny-hiny up from here. Now y'all have a great day, and ttfn :wink:
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