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Old 05-11-2011, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by LeonMom
Last week I visited with a dear quilting friend who is in Stage IV Cancer. She blessed me with a pile of fabric along with blocks for 3 different quilts. I would like to assemble these blocks into quilt tops, quilt them and hand them back to her (or her 6 kids).

The problem is that the blocks are not all 12" blocks. In each set there are blocks that are 13" rather than 12-1/2" and others that are just 12" square. I have sash material picked out from her stash but how do I handle the different size blocks? Would it be as simple a making the sash that much larger for the too-small blocks? What do you do with the blocks that are too large? The blocks themselves are goregous. The quilts each have 12 blocks. Would you just pick out the best 9 blocks and work with that and forget trying to incorporate all 12 blocks?

What a kind deed. Sharon Schamber has a very good tute on Youtube on resizing blocks. I used this method on two log cabin blocks made by my friend and it worked very well.
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