Old 05-11-2011, 09:55 AM
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Originally Posted by crafty_linda_b
Pam I am so glad you liked your goodies...My daughter wrote the book...DCL (Dark Castle Lords) is the publisher. I hope it isn't too "steamy" for you..to be honest I have never read any of my DD's books *L* she warned me they are kind of risque~ so she didn't think I would enjoy them. She got to meet the cover model last year in Nashville, TN when she went back for an author's signing. They call him the "Hispanic Fabio"!! His name is Armando. Her book was the 1st cover he had modeled for. She chose him from several different models to be on her book cover. I hope you enjoy it and the other goodies. I know you said you love puppies. So I thought the doggie pincushion was perfect for you.

Originally Posted by reeskylr
*squees* I am just jumping with joy here. I got my package today from Crafty_Linda_B. Oh my god. Never would I have thought I would get such wonderful items! She made me a doggie pincushion, it is gorgeous and that is so sweet, I wanted to cry.

I also got some chocolate, a panel for a bag. LOVE IT. A beautiful note card that she wrote to me. A lovely pattern for a wall hanging and pillow with garden stuff.

Also, Ahem, this HOT looking book her daughter published. I can only show his head, cuz, well his chest is nekkid. *cackles* Just kidding, his chest is naked, but he's only peeking out of the box. I also got some promo items from her daughters book, which is also signed!! I can't wait to read this.

Thank you so much. I'm still in shock.

Linda would you share the name of your daughters book and her name with us? I love steamy books :oops: :oops: and hot cover boys :roll: :lol: :roll:
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