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Old 05-13-2011, 07:25 PM
Jan in VA
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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Former childbirth educator and doula here suggesting:
*accupuncture with a pregnancy specialist
*chiropractic adjustments with a pregnancy trained doctor. (Google pregnancy chiropractor to read several articles about how chiropractic care can benefit all the way through pegnancy, labor, and the postpartum period.)
*spend lots of time sitting on an exercise ball large enough to allow your waist/hip angle and your thigh/knee angel to be 90% or a bit more. Most women between 5'4" and 5'8" can use the 60cm ball. This ball helps strengthens your core, aligns your spine, opens your pelvis, and helps baby get into prime position for birthing. (Yes, there is one position in utero that creates an easier birth for both mom and baby than any other position. Google Optimum Fetal Positioning for several sites about this vital issue.)
*tell yourself every day that for *this* baby, you are the only one who can do this; it's not about YOU but the baby, his safety, his growth, his health. Only for this time will you have the baby totally to yourself, not having to share him with anyone really, even dad, because he's inside *your* body.
*Hold this time close to your heart every day, telling your baby to take all the time he needs for his health and optimum growth, no matter how uncomfortable or impatient *you* are, because it's really all about him, not you.
*Don't consider it as suffering, but as truly sacrificial giving to him. :-)

State of mind can overcome many, many physical issues.

Best to you on this awesome, miraculous joourney!

Jan in VA
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