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Old 05-13-2011, 10:30 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Port Lavaca, TX
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Nobody mentioned swimming - Ask the doctor if you can, because being submerged in water takes all the wierd pressures off for long enough to let us feel a bit rested.
My son was a perpetual motion kid,
and he drummed on the inside of my ribs so hard during the last month that they felt bruised...One time my son managed to give my husband a hard enough shove to wake him up, and when he complained to me, that I tried to kick him out of bed, I told him that he was complaining to the wrong person, that I was not even capable of kicking the tiny kitten out of bed! LOL!
Just count your isn't forever....and not everybody has such a live wire baby!
He was standing at 8 mos, walking at 10, running like a deer at 12! He considered that a chain link fence was a stairway to freedom until his diaper got hooked on the top links and we went to the shoe store and bought another pair of shoes that fit over his regular shoes and were too big to fit in the holes in the chain link fencing.
Thank goodness babies haven't figured out shoelacing double bow knots! LOL!
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