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Old 05-15-2011, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by tatavw01
Don't you just love war!!! I think the world should be run by woman...What woman in her right mine would burn down a cotton mill..... ;-)
And what woman in her right mind would ever target civilians to bring an end to the war? That was the tactic used by Sherman in the CW. It worked, but it certainly made life even more difficult for those defenseless civilians in the path of the Union army. It was a different method of warfare unlike any that had been used during that time, and he was criticized for what he did -- even by his fellow Northerners. It was considered to be ungentlemanly and by some critics as being inhumane. In modern times it would be similar to dropping the bombs on Japan to bring a faster end to the war (WWII) in the Pacific. Gen. Robert E. Lee is quoted as saying, "It is good that war is so terrible lest we grow too fond of it." :|
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