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Old 05-15-2011, 03:22 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cadillac, MI
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Missy, I'm predicting 399.4 pounds and then you'll lose another pound jumping for joy.

Sandy, do you knit or crochet? Those are easier on your body than sewing while you're laid up. Been there, done that. Though when I had my right foot rebuilt, I made drapes for the whole house, but I think being in a wheelchair is easier than what you are going through. 7 weeks with absolutely no weight bearing, casted 4 more months with a year recovery, then it was time to do the other foot. You know what? I can walk, so it was worth it.

For me, I'd settle for the weight I was at the first of the month before I started another med one of whose side effects is weight gain. Guess I ought to be glad I'm not feeling suicidal - that's another side effect. I am having trouble with my balance from it. Usually in the morning, but today all day. I still need to walk the dogs, but I'll stay away from the lake because it's too cold to fall in.

MJ, I have been trying to use your tips. I have music on all the time. Country radio for the dogs and Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Rod Stewart, etc, CDs for me. I know CDs are out of style, but they're what I have and it works for me. My television has been out for a week and I don't care enough to call the cable provider. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. I guess if I'm paying for it, I should have it in working.

I'm trying to get caught up sewing and quilting, but it multiplies. The associate pastor asked for another prayer quilt. She likes mine better than the ones that are currently available. I want to make a sundress for a teenage friend with a very bad home situation. She requested to be removed from her home. I try to do little things so she'll know there's someone who cares.

Eating doing okay, though I am not on a schedule lately. I think more regular meals would help instead of screwy times.

I AM losing weight and getting healthier. We ARE all losing weight and getting healthier.
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