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Old 05-16-2011, 10:17 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: From MN, living full time in our Motor Home
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Originally Posted by sailsablazin
Originally Posted by JudithAnn
Originally Posted by gunny148
They will come back, there should be some more leaves come out during the rest of the season. Deer try and eat mine..
How do you keep the deer from eating them?
I sprinkle my hostas with "milorganite." It is a granular form of human waste---doesn't smell bad and is cheap. It is "Idiot proof"---that is why I like it. You cannot put on too much and it won't burn the plants if you do. You need to remember to put it on again after a rain. I just sprinkle it on the hostas. It is supposed to get into the root system and make the leaves taste bad so the deer do not eat them. I buy it here at a local feed store place. (Check out a place like Home Depot, Lowes, etc.)
However, the deer will eat the hostas if you do not remember to put the milorganite on often.
So, if you get busy like I do and forget. Then I use "Liquid Fence." It stinks to high heaven for a few days and is expensive...but nothing will eat the hostas then.
Thanks for the info!
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