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Old 05-18-2011, 03:25 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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He's actually very active, cooks and bakes for himself (even shares family recipes with me!). His brother who is also the neighbor on the other side 'disowned' him (they don't talk). I don't think he's used to anybody doing anything for him, which makes me want to do it more. ;)[/quote]

Geez, this guy is impossible to do for!!! So, just go ahead and make him the quilt of your choice and leave it on his doorstep. He'll have to take it in, right? Oh wait, maybe you could find a way to bring he and his brother together? No, better not get involved in family stuff. What a predicament!!! Can you give him a hug? lol Wait, maybe since he is so into flowers you could find some exotic plant that he could not possible have and buy it for him. You might have to go somewhere exotic to do that though. Oh, good idea. OK, I give up!
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