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Old 05-18-2011, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by mshollysd
You can get a lot of packaging from the USPS. If you get a packaging that says priority mail, you can turn it inside out(sorry USPS) and send it first class or parcel post if you don't want to pay priority. There are ways to do it without paying an arm and leg for shipping.
OOOOHHH - I am telling on YOU!!! Big NO-NO!! :wink:

Really, it isn't fair to the PO to misuse their priority packaging. And believe me, they KNOW when you are sending something in an inside-out or covered up PM box and they WILL charge Postage Due to the recipient. Not nice for the person who gets it.

They don't even want you to re-use PM packaging that has been used once already, unless it is to ship the next thing PM.
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